Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spread Awareness

Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara, May 31st 2010 // 15 min. from Cultures of Resistance on Vimeo.

This tragedy didn't make news headlines for nothing. This isn't about being Pro-Palestine or Anti-Israel. This isn't about religion. This is about basic human instincts. It's about humanity.

The aid flotilla consisted of volunteers from 70 different countries. Their being there was to provide help and basic necessities for the Palestinians (who clearly need them) who hasn't been getting the help that they need. The Flotilla was on International waters when attacked by the Israeli Army and was accused of being a threaten to them, by ignoring Israel's instructions that there will be no boats/ships on the Gaza strip, providing help to the Palestinians. They asked that any help should be passed to the Israel Army, who in return will distribute them to the Palestinians. Now we ask ourselves, how are we supposed to believe that when in the past, Israel has refused any form of help from the UN, for the Palestinians. These volunteers acted out of basic instincts, they were there because they care. And they were attacked. Why would anyone attack a flotilla carrying wheelchairs, medications etc etc? About being threatened, how could the 4th largest army the world be threatened by some rods, when they're equipped with guns and missiles? The accusation is therefore unjustified.

These people, though they did not get to deliver what they set out to deliver, they are heroes. Would we be brave enough to step up to volunteer if we had that chance, or better yet, if we had to? Many squirm at the thought of braving into the unknown, not knowing what will happen to them, and worse, not being provided the liberty of gauging the worst kind of possibilities that may befall. So, stop criticizing or re evaluate of what these people could have done to achieve better results. Or worse, to suggest that the very act of joining the flotilla was silly. Instead, have a heart. Start caring and be more interested and compassionate on what is going on. If you can't think of anything good to say, the best is probably to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Remember, while you are criticizing, innocent people are being killed. These are people who can't help themselves, not because they won't but because they can't. So if we can help out in our own ways, do it. Not all of us can be like the heroes in the video above, but there is always something small that we can contribute. Always.

On that note, Norway has started to put stickers on their Israeli products so that buyers can choose whether or not to purchase them. Big labels such as Nescafe, McDonald's, Coca Cola and so forth, contribute a lot to the IDF (Israeli Defense Force). If we can do our bit by boycotting these things, we are already doing so much.


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