Monday, June 21, 2010

Right or Wrong.

In debates, you will always know who'd win, and who'd get the best speaker.However, if you're in the debate yourself, you can never really tell, cos some people can really suck in defending their points, but they still think they're all that.

Please get a peripheral view, strengthen your points with details, examples and proof, before making a conclusion. Otherwise, you're just talking through your ass.There's a difference. Maybe you can throw in weightless points when you are talking to a child (although kids nowadays tend to get a whole lot smarter). When adults are concerned, they too, have their well-formed opinion, and are just ready to rebut you, maybe before you even start talking.

Also, take a point to listen to people's opinions and not just your own. Sometimes, it is best to keep shut, and really understand what key points they are trying to deliver. You might be wrong. And, it's not seen as embarrassing to agree to the other person's opinion, and no, it does not lower your ego. This is seen as being rational and humble, and not just plain crazy.

Respectable leaders always take their time to listen to the opinion of others and slowly, embed their own into it, not imposing your (somewhat ridiculous) opinion unto others. If that's the case, you best be arguing with a kid.

Budak kecik 1: Eja kereta macam ni la. K-E-R-E-T-A

You: Eh bukan bukan bukan. Kita sumpah eja dia macam ni: K-E-R-E-T-E. Kereta tu untuk bahasa baku je. Kita mana ada guna bahasa baku. Apalah.

So there you go. So next time you feel strongly about something, take a deep breath and relax for a bit. Try to deliver your opinion, point by point. If people disagree, that's okay. They might be wrong, you might be wrong. Either way, it doesn't hurt to just stop for a second and try to listen. You're not only being graceful, but smart. Because, most of the time, people without proof, will trail in their argument anyway, so there is really nothing to lose. And it's not always about winning. You never really gain a penny from coffee-shop talk anyway.

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