Friday, June 11, 2010


I have made a conclusion that coffee does not help me stay awake, it in fact puts me to sleep faster than hot chocolate does. Hmm. Is it the brand of coffee I'm using?

Eversince the Israeli attack on the Flotilla aid in Gaza, I've tried not to buy Nescafe, as it is included in one of the most purchased brand, owned by the Israelis. So to not further encourage the IDF, we don't purchase at all! So Riva is the next best choice. It is not only affordable - AUD 6 for 100g (sliiightly more expensive that generic brands), but it's also very concentrated. With generic brands, you sometime use 2 tsp to amount to one tsp of Riva. So in the end, you're basically paying the same amount, or maybe more for your coffee.

This makes me want to have my coffee. x

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