I hate it when there's a gadget malfunction, like the inability to text from your phone. I know some prefer to call, but texting serves its own purpose.
1) You're in a cinema and you really need to tell someone you're gonna be late.
2) You're not really in the mood to talk to people.
3) You're not really in the mood to talk at length.
4) You just like hearing your sms tone.
5) You'd like to anticipate what the message contains.
6) You'd like the chance of reading "hey beautiful, look behind you".
7) You just can't stand some people's voices.
8) Some people sound a lot nicer when they text.
9) Gives you the benefit of the doubt.
10) Let's you convey your message without sounding truly transparent.
And honestly, there's a whole lot more. I personally like both, text and call. I text more because it's cheaper but now with Hotlink's Youthplan, calling has been made cheaper too so I don't really care. Though, it's still a little annoying when you try sending a text and it goes straight to your outbox. Where the fuck is the missing link?
I'm halfway through reading catcher in the rye by j.d salinger. I'd have to say, I've heard about the book since I was 18 because I read in someone's Friendster page that his favorite book was catcher in the rye. I made a mental note to check it out but year after year, my habit of reading turned to the habit of watching dvds. So, yes, I was one of those idiots who started to line up buying his books just after he was gone.
Anyway, I get this weird feeling while reading his book. I felt like I was in character of something. I'm not really sure. It's quite an easy book to read, and I'm really hooked to it. It's one of those books where you'd want to read em bit by bit, cause once it's finished, there's no more. Hmm.
I got to know a very ridiculous story today. Funny and ridiculous. Though, it's not really worth this blog space, honestly. I'd be better off writing about ducks. Ducks can swim. On that note, have you ever wondered why toilet cleaners always associate themselves with ducks? So ducks=jamban? Is it because they are creatures of water and toilet comes hand in hand with water or, the toilet seat represents the duck's beak? Curiouser and curiouser.
I have made a thousand scenes in my head, all of which I fantasize to use one day. Though, the simplest one I deem the toughest. It involves a mobile phone, a book and a toilet. See how all three paragraphs correlate?
Anna was reading a book when she was distracted by a 'hello' from someone, someone she can't seem to recall but in return seems to recall her. She fished out her mobile phone from her pocket and started dialing random numbers, and started the conversation with "Hi, yea. Are you here yet? If you are I'll come straight to you right now. Now." She emphasizes on the 'now' part, with the someone, the dude still standing in front of her. At this point, he seemed pretty translucent to her eyes, not transparent because she did try to move aside from where he was standing, and he made way. Anna smiled politely but said "Hi, but I really don't know who you are and I'm scared. This is a big city and my friend is here, waiting for me. He has the arms as strong as the bulldozer and would cut you in half with just his nails. They're long and dirty." Anna then walked away, and into the toilet, where she stayed and finished her book without any further disturbance.
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