Wednesday, August 25, 2010


When I was younger, I used to have a lot of pimples across my forehead. My mum freaked out more than I did, I thought it was just the nature of growing up. So she bought me 'Oxy' and practically had to force me to use it religiously. At that time, I really don't see why she was making such a huge deal about skin/pimples/acnes. I really should thank her thought. Because of what she did, I was lucky enough to go through secondary school without terrible acne problems. Don't get me wrong. I don't have soft, luscious skin that's anywhere close to perfect, but it's been kind to me.


I can feel they're coming back! I have been really careless with skin care lately. I use Clinique for dry skin because I have really really dry skin and studying in a country where the weather is inconsistent, does not help at all. As crazy as it sounds, Malaysia's humid weather serves the perfect habitat for my skin. So as of this moment, I not only have really dry skin, but a spotty one too. Now I regret for taking my skin too much for granted. Just because you don't have acnes for years, does not mean they will not pop out in the future.

So, I am taking a more serious approach to this problem. Not only will I religiously use my cleanser, toner and moisturizer, I am going to...

...start wearing anti-aging cream. Yes, that is no longer a "hahaha? YOU wear anti-aging cream?"

Believe it or not, I actually should have started using it about 2 years ago. Studying actually tend to strain your eyes and more often than not, staring into the computer screen till late night does not do justice for the skin around the edges of your eyes. In other words, you will, develop eyebags if you don't watch out. Ever come across a lady who claims she is 30 but looks 40? That could easily happen to you if you don't take care of skin seriously. Our skin needs certain types of nutrient, and most of the nutrient comes from the food we eat and the kind of temperature we dwell ourselves in. Because some of us are too lazy to practice healthy eating and sometimes we don;t have the choice but to be stuck at the office 9-5 everyday (airconditioning at a blast), we NEED to apply this anti-aging/wrinkle cream.

I want you to now look into the mirror and see if you can spot a crease near your eyes. Or simpler, try looking at a photo of you 3 years ago and a recent photo of you now. There is a slight difference isn't it? Many call it maturing. I call it aging, and indeed we are. We are aging. So a friendly reminder to all women, let us all take care of our skin, and give it the nutrient it needs.

Also, a BIG no-no. Never ever sleep with your make up on. If you're that lazy to wash your face after a late night out, buy those face wipes (preferably 'simple') and just use that to wipe all the make up from your face, chuck the wipe anywhere you like after using, and go to sleep. You can clean that in the morning. Make up though, never wait till morning.

Here's to a more youthful look for us women. May we look younger than our men when we reach 60 ;P

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